Research Idea

There is no universal student experience each and every student has their own unique and diverse perspectives on their experience which is defined by a number of key factors. It is what you perceive through what you hear, see, feel and think and through our values, beliefs and assumptions. Our structural factors of age, gender, race can also be significant.

There is one thing we all have in common as students. We are all here studying with a desire to complete and accomplish a university degree. Many of us may be studying similar study paths  however there is one thing that distinguishes and defines us as individuals, our unique university experience.

After completing my first year of University in 2017 I decided to defer my studies for a year. Since returning back part time this semester and having to complete a research project on ‘University student experience’ I struggled to think of past experiences. As I sat and pondered on the broad concept ‘ University student experience’ in the larger scheme of things an idea popped into mind. Having personal experience surrounding this topic specifically on a daily basis at uni it has made me curious and interested to further investigate into this research topic.

giphyThus, I have decided to focus my research project on whether uni provides enough parking for the large demographic of students commuting on a daily basis, the costs of the parking provided and whether students should have to pay for parking. Also looking at public transport costs/ convenience, personal access to a car and holding a valid drivers licence.

All these aspects have created curiosities leading to bigger questions in my head. Does this affect people from tertiary education? Does it create students to have to change from full time study to part time? Does limited parking at uni create stress and anxiety within students? These questions have initiated a proposed hypothesis of “The unfairness of taxing the poorest”.

Through further study of this topic I would like to explore and look into aspects such as costs of living and the user pay system. Also utilising qualitative and quantitative methods throughout my research to explore different aspects and beliefs on this research topic. 

There are numerous angles I could focus on for this research topic, however I am yet to narrow down my topics. Through further study I will distinguish a research proposal that is timely, relevant and achievable.




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